High-throughput (HT) analyses have become extremely popular, if not essential, for daily activities in the majority of analytical laboratories, ranging in use from R&D, to manufacturing, to quality control.
Mestrelab Research SL, innovators in analysis and management of complex analytical data, is announcing the release of a new set of automated solutions for chromatographically coupled MS (LC-MS and GC-MS) data workflows.
Robotics automation is rapidly changing our world; ‘bots are everywhere. Today, we find them in so many places, from providing customer support on insurance websites through to industrial robotics involved in car manufacture and food production.
When analyzing LC/GC-MS data, it may be necessary to align your chromatogram with the analytical trace so that the peaks match across the different spectra…
“Back in 2017, only one project is using qNMR for solubility; since we implemented Mnova automated qNMR in 2018, all our projects are now using the method.” Maggie Liu – Expert NMR Spectroscopist in the structural chemistry team – Institute of Cancer Research (ICR).
The webinar will cover the complete workflow required to create digital laboratory notes in Mbook 3.0. The outline is a high-level introduction, followed by a demonstration of typical daily workflow, and a Q&A session.
The new features of Mbook 3.0 will be covered together with the chemist’s daily workflow, as they are inseparable from the chemist’s work.