A Behind the Scenes Look at Automated qNMR Data Processing and Analysis. Dr. Niccy Tonge (Mestrelab) described a case study explaining how to get more out of analytical data and make it available for other business purposes
Chicago Area NMR Discussion Group (CANMRDG) is a collection of talks about NMR featuring keynote speakers and local spectroscopists.
The webinar will cover the complete workflow required to create digital laboratory notes in Mbook 3.0. The outline is a high-level introduction, followed by a demonstration of typical daily workflow, and a Q&A session.
The new features of Mbook 3.0 will be covered together with the chemist’s daily workflow, as they are inseparable from the chemist’s work.
In this webinar you will get some insights on how Mgears and the QC profiling plugin can facilitate the interpretation of up to thousands of LC-MS per week and the subsequent loading of the retrieved information into databases.
Yanzhou Liu (Genentech) shared their experiences with automated real-time processing of NMR & LC/MS using Mnova Gears at Genentech.
Our colleague Dr. Gary Sharman provided the second part of an introduction to the Mnova Gears automation platform, a simple yet powerful tool for automating your spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses and reporting.
Our colleague Dr. Gary Sharman provided an introduction to the Mnova Gears automation platform, a simple yet powerful tool for automating your spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses and reporting.
This webinar will demonstrate a new capability for chemists to elucidate 3D structure of their molecules for themselves, using a comprehensive set of tools integrated together as a plugin for Mnova NMR. Using readily available NMR constraints it will be shown how simple it is to extract a best-fit from a set of conformers or stereoisomers in a very short amount of time.