Mnova NMR can handle datasets from the most important NMR vendors. You can see the whole list here. If you have any doubts regarding your datasets and format compatibility with Mnova NMR just contact us.
This is the list of provider data sorted per OS supported by Mnova MSChrom. Note that Mnova 15 does not support Windows x32 formats.
Mnova is a multiplatform software which will run alternatively on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Unix-like systems.
From now on, multiplatform laboratories will be able to allow each researcher to work on their Operating System of choice, and to seamlessly share data and processing capabilities with other researchers working on different platforms.
Mnova Screen is an automatic analysis tool for fragment-based drug screening by NMR. An automation software for fast and efficient hit detection in fragment-based drug discovery campaigns using ligand detected NMR data.
This tutorial contains the main FAQs for Mbook ELN: 1- GETTING STARTED, 2- IT REQUIREMENTS, 3- UPDATES & SUPPORT, 4- FUNCTIONALITY
Mbook provides several levels of access through user roles, limiting access depending on the position occupied by the individual user (Admin, Project Manager, Group Manager, Bench Chemist and Guest). In addition to these roles, Mbook offers the possibility of further customisation of permissions by allowing Group Managers to designate Safety, Inventory or Structure managers.