Mnova MSChrom is a vendor agnostic desktop application for review, processing, analysis, and interrogation of LC/MS data.
Mnova MSChrom brings expert tools to the desktop user, with game changing enhancements in peak picking, spectral display, and spectral subtraction.
What to expect
- Introduction of the new ‘enhanced peak picking’ algorithm
- Instantly display the information you want to see, how you want to see it – MS Navigator
- Subtract the background or any signal from your LC/MS experiment
- Search and compare MS database hits
- Automate meta-analysis, databasing, reporting with Mnova Gears
Key points
- Updated functionality – Mnova MSChrom is a competitive desktop application for LC/MS
- Extensibility – Mestrelab Research provides scripting, API and automation for heterogeneous and high throughput laboratories
- Continuous improvement – committed to developing the capabilities that you desire
Who should attend?
Those using hyphenated MS techniques, especially LC/MS with a need to review, process and analyze data away from the instrument.