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A homodecoupled diffusion experiment for the analysis of complex mixtures by NMR

Title: A homodecoupled diffusion experiment for the analysis of complex mixtures by NMR
Authors: J.C. Cobas, M. Martín-Pastor
Date: 2004/08/04
Reference: J. Magn. Reson, 2004, 171, 20-24


Diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) relies on differences in translation diffusion as a means to separate components in a solution mixture. However, the analysis of spectra of mixtures can be problematic because spectral overlap. It is the aim of this article to propose a pulse sequence and processing method that leads to a complete 2D homodecoupled-DOSY experiment. This experiment offers several advantages that could extend the range of applications to more complex mixtures by achieving important improvements in both signal dispersion and sensitivity.

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